Also the first teeth...same age as the 9yr old in your household!
As you can see there was no-one on the beaches, but 2 horses.
Unfortunately it was cloudy when we got back from our walk so we put off the swim for the day. Sunday I stocked up with a bit more carb for breakfast as i seemed to be cold for too long after Friday's swim. We swam down the beach where as usual my uneven stroke kept washing me into the surf line and then we swam back up the beach. unfortunately this time i kept going out to sea, so with Penny a tiny bob in the distance I had to keep taking stock and swam diagonally back. While plodding along I suddenly became aware of a very large black fin just under my left side! in a microsecond I realised it wasn't Pen and then the thing drew level with me. It was big! Now remember here we had had all sorts of sightings of sharks this summer, even to them being reported in the paper, and I knew that although they didn't come inshore, that I was way out of my place. What does one do? the beach was deserted anyway and in the whole of it's 3km there were only us two in the water. All I could do was to maintain my stroke and pretend to be nonchalant and powerful, but at the same time made a left turn directly for shore! Next it swam directly under me and another came around from circling to go under from the right. Then I was aware of something really big on my right but I don't breathe from my right and I wasn't about to break stroke to investigate. I felt this was definitely getting out of hand. there's something unnerving abot circling fish. I felt like the cowboys of the wild west with my correlled wagons while the indians circled.. As they swam under I could see that they were easily as large as me. At least there wasn't any whit patch! Checking on my direction to the shore I noticed Mr Left had a very rounded dorsal fin, but rough edged, as if it had been nibbled. I was sort of getting over my adrenaline rush thinking I should have been bitten if it was going to happen. This close examination of me carried on while I did some serious swimming. Mr Right gave a snort and I realised they were dolphins. The snort must have been his signal and they just went. Plodding on I was soon at waist depth and looked around for them but they were gone. Unfortunately my swimming goggles weren't clean so I can't say I got a good look at their details, anyway I would have needed glasses for anything other than knowing they were black and large. Pen says my eyes were as large as saucers when finally we met. Anyway I thought you'd like the fishy tale as young Katie was interested in marine Biology. See, over here you can have a lesson from the real thing right close to home! talking to the lone beach sitting family on our way back it seems they had been cruising all along the beach, even broaching.
On our rather damp (it was overcast and showery ) beachwalk on Monday we saw seabirds flying at sea level in a continuous stream of several km in length. as they went down the shore we saw the now familiar fins of a couple of dolphins well out to sea. Must have been feeding time. Then it was pack the Civic and back to Auk to see Earl Grey and Tabitha. As we'd been away Earl was absolutely sure he was going to be allowed to sleep in our bedroom that night. Had to get the broom no less to winkle him out from under the bed at midnight.
Bridge to Kuaotunu Store
Then we had prizes (bad ones of course!)
And a cake
All in all it went well, especially as the rain and wind held off till next morning.
Other news from the week was that we went to the memorial service for the Teacher and children who attended Tom's school. It was at the Telstra stadium down the road and it was filled to overflowing. It was very well organised, the students did a lot of presenting and music and visual presentations. it was very stirring. Even the Mayor of manukau was there. it was broadcast on Rhema radio and on Shine TV I believe.
On a much more minor note I've got some noseplugs so that I don't fill up with water while swimming with my mermaid. more lengths on Friday and less sneezing afterward. Now we'll see how Monday swimming goes. after that its back to gardening (the dreaded backlog), Finding out how to get my electronic project back on track, fixing the spa pool circulator, erecting the shed....etc.......etc...... Maybe get some art in as well, but Friday is definitely Matarangi day!!