
My photo
Kerikeri, Bay of Islands, New Zealand
Sharing my paintings

Thursday, July 31, 2008

In Lee on The Solent

Well, back from France we chilled out: took the kids along the prom to the playground:
We did a fair amount of swimming, couldnt believe the Spithead water would be warm enough for it but there you go:
As the weather continued to be lovely, we had teas outside in the large garden:
Last Weekend we went to the Navy Days at Portsmouth. We were accidentally entertained by the Red Arrows aerobatic team as we returned from shopping on Friday. Sunday we tripped across by ferry to the Dockyard. There we were entertained by VIP security displays:
Saw Alan's old Aircraft Carrier:
Then went around the inside:We watched the inter base field gun challenge:

Nicola was particularly impressed by a 100 year old boat:
And decided it might just fire!

Saw helicopter and boat displays:
Went over ships like the frigate Argyll:
Nicola discussed radar intensively with someone deep inside another frigate:
We looked at all sorts of nautical things:
Then there was the boat squadrons and helicpters boarding and dealing with drug runners or something:

Thenon the ferry to home:
Later we went to Chichester:
To the Cathedral:
Found my namesake outside:
And a great interior:
We took the kids to Stokes Bay a couple of times, once on a windy but warm day to the paddling pool:
wid sporty stuff:We went to posh (but nice) peoples barbies and cooked the food!
We blackberried:
Made pies :
Andas a background event, even as I write, Pen and Nic return from another raid!!
Anyway, our time in Good old England draws to an end, This will be our last weekend as we fly out at 2100 on Sunday. We'll have a great time up to the end!!


Paulapaulelladev said...

beautiful wonderful pickies, I will be printing some off. I had a bad cute/silly mother/clucky attack when I saw Ben in his tiny swimming trunks, it was just too much.
What more can i say, looks like you are having a fab a doozy time. Where those picks taken at the weekend with Jemma in them?

Richard Lawty said...

Well that actual pic of the swing might have been a bit out of sequence, but on one of her weekends anyway. We have SO MANY pics