
My photo
Kerikeri, Bay of Islands, New Zealand
Sharing my paintings

Sunday, March 1, 2009

February gone already!

Looking back on the month I guess the most memorable points are:

Yes, swimming at the beach. Just lovely. I have to say though that swimming last year with the big fish out there (and, yes ,despite what people have offered as explanation I still believe there were a mixture of sharks and dolphins, bizarre as it may seem) has rather put me off swimming outside the breaker line. That can be a bit controlling on what we do cos those breakers are not really big, but can be surprisingly strong when you get out there.

Down at the other end of the beach some people who have places adjacent the shore have a permanent set up, viz the loungers must be great to just sit there with lunch. I wonder about them because not seeing any people for a bit was surprised to see them still there after some wet and windy weather and high tides the other day. Moved one onto the grass a bit for them.

See the artwork! Someone started with a few twigs and presumably others added to it. It seems to be a permanent bower at the other end of the beach now. Hasn't disappeared into the sea yet.

Now Kaitlyn must be the youngest to visit. Penny was enthusiastic as you can imagine when the Gosnells came to stay.

such an attentive soul even at her age. Here receiving instruction on lemons!
not sure what here,
but that little look gives me an idea that things are going to happen her way!

Most likely they are both going over Leighton's and my fishing trip. It went like this. Leighton does not just hang around at the beach like me. He is into action, and fishing is his thing. Within a short time of being at the beach we had to take a drive to the local store for bait and a a new line and hooks for Roger's set line. We spent quite some time being coached in the finer arts of hook tying and lots of other fishy things. At last it was coming to the end of the day, but the line was finished. It was finally agreed that Steven had still not enough strength after the fall to control his part of the double kayak. That left me and Leighton. At least he knew what he was doing. Off we set in the double. We oared about a km optimistically out into the briny in rather choppy water. Leighton fed out the line at the back while I kept the bow into the waves. Seemed to take AGES to me. Then the reason was a hook had caught in webbing at the extreme back of the kayak. At length it was dislodged and in the darkening sky it was time to head back. Of course the delay meant that the line was not well strung between the buoys, it had to be manouvered from the kayak and we poked about until it seemed straightened and headed for home. Boy it was hard to make headway even though we seemed to have a following sea. Finally we were at the breaker line. As soon as I said "lay back!" we were into the surf literally. Both we, Kayak, paddles and a yellow thing was in the water. Yellow thing? Yes, the float from one end of the set line! What was that doing here? So was the other one, so was the line and all the nasty hooks all in the surf! After finally extricating kayak, bits and line and returning home now quite late it seems that while we we were just putting the last finishing touch to the layout the rather bumpy waves allowed the line to come on top of the back of the kayak where there is a rope toggle for carrying.The chances of the line being held by the toggle while we paddled a km to the shore against the resistance of the weights on the bottom and the floats on the surface was pretty low. But that's what happened. The next morning for me was the exercise of untangling a large ball of fishing line. At least it was in the sunshine with a beer. My record of never catching a fish still stands. No wonder at Penny's and Kaitlyn's looks! I am now looking at how to make a motorised Kon Tiki fishing torpedo!
One delight has been the way the days progress into twilight with the colour and shadow. A lovely sequence from one of Penny's walks
Great sunsets eh?
Anyway on March 1st (happy anniversary Paul and Paula!!) we swanned home from yet another beach weekend because I had let myself in for Jury duty. (A sort of public spirited thing as I can refuse as I'm older than 65) Well what a palaver! About 70 to 80 would be jurors assembled at the local court first thing Monday. After an introductory video about 30 were selected by a bingo type of contraption then a similar number for another case. Strangely I was not picked. Together with the remainder I hung around for about an hour until all the challenges etc were carried out for those selected and finally just before lunch we were told to go! And we came home a day early for that?!! Well at least I could do a minor collection of odd jobs. Tomorrow Penny is back at the chalk face and I will be into lists again!

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